
When God Things Happen to Good People

I have seen the best and the worst consequences of many institutions.  People in most of the country, especially the South, have two ways to judge something.  It is either good or evil.  That is to say in Country-Southern dialect, it was an act of God or an act of the Devil.  Why is this?  Why does Mankind only acknowledge the definite of good and evil?  This drives me crazy, because I don’t see a line.  I live in the grey, everyone does, and nobody wants to admit it.  People want to prove to themselves, to someone, that they are holy in some way.  And whenever something doesn’t seem holy, it’s evil, and of the devil.  This is wrong.  We are playing a worldwide game of he said she said.   It’s wrong to consider your enemies evil, when you’re just as evil to them.   Though, the greater crime is to think of yourself as good, or holy, or justified in your actions when attacking said enemy.   It is sad that I have to pray to God to protect me from his followers.  Faith is a wonderful thing, but not when it’s used to make excuses for yourself.  In the physical world people use crutches when they are weak and cannot walk on their own, the same is true in the emotional and spiritual realm.  Ensure your faith guides you to being a better person, if not, find a new faith.  Jesus was miss-quoted as saying “help those who help themselves”, when in fact it was Benjamin Franklin who said it.  But the saying is fully deserving of merit and praise.  I am living proof; the world helps those who help themselves.  When it comes to faith, just make sure above all else, you believe in yourself.   

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