
Pistols at Dawn

One day man will solve all his problems, and in that moment the world will end.  Technological evolution is in direct correlation with cultural demise.  It frustrates me in this day and age if a man resorts to violence (after using reason and asking for apology) over anything, immediately he is judged as being a lesser man.  It’s not that I advocate violence, but this is ridiculous, we’re a world of sissies.  He is not a lesser man.  He’s an insulted man, defending his honor.  Two hundred years ago if you insulted a man, there was good chance it was pistols at dawn.  Meaning you would be challenged to a duel.  And I for one would love to return to an era in human history where dignity, respect, and honor held precedence over wealth and materialism.  I know there is the argument that we had slavery 200 years ago, but if you went to West Africa you would find we have slavery in 2011 as well my friends, made more horrible by modern weaponry.  Not to take away from the severity of the word “slavery” and the atrocities of today’s ravenous war lords, but if you’re an American reading this, there is a 90% chance you’ve bought something from Wal-Mart in the last seven days.  Welcome to consumer slavery, one that knows no color, nationality, or creed, only income bracket.  This is not a complaint, or call to action, merely an observation, that sadly seems irrefutable.  200, 100, 50, even 25 years ago society seemed better off (culturally speaking).  People were more polite.  Music and film possessed depth rarely conveyed in today’s times. (It’s Britney Bitch) People were more interconnected and reliant on one another.  Culture and Sub-culture were more relevant and apparent in wonderfully rich ways.  The world was less shallow.  It seems the world is not getting smaller, there’s just less in it.  Maybe it’s the romantic in me, but I long for the days of Pistols at Dawn.    

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