

I'd like to devote the week to responsibility and accountability.  A long time ago I was in a bad place and out of boredom I stumbled upon a book… No not the bible, The Success Principles, by Jack Canfield.  In it he outlined in the first chapter that one has to accept responsibility for their life until that point before being in control of a life they want.  One of the most difficult ideas and concepts to accept is that of responsibility.  Here in America most of us live a very privileged life in comparison to the rest of the world.  It is easy for us to forget how our actions add to, or subtract from the amazing opportunities available to us.  I now know that a tenant of true success and fulfillment is taking full responsibility of your life.  You are fully responsible for everything you've experienced, and accordingly what you've experienced creates your present condition. Your past Creates your Present.  The choices you made in the past create the experiences of the present.  But it's your decisions that created your past, your decisions that control the present.  And it is your decisions that will shape your future.  For more on responsibility and building a life you’re in control of, check out:  The Success Principles(TM): How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be.

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