Never say never. Never say can’t. Saying "can’t" is a one victim crime, and you’re the victim. Stop holding yourself back. The secret to doing anything, is believing you can do anything. When you say can’t, you’re stopping positive momentum in its tracks. In place of “can’t” say: “I have not been because…” This one verbal action changes everything about your situation.
“I can’t play tennis.”
“I have not been playing tennis because I don’t know how.”
This technique and process rightfully holds you accountable for what you don’t think you can do. It also forces you to offer an explanation of why a particular thing is unachievable to you. You would be amazed at how silly and pathetic some of the reasons we cannot do things we tell our selves every day. Through these, usually weak, explanations we can easily determine the path we need to take to accomplish anything we previously thought we couldn’t do.
“I have not been playing tennis because I don’t know how.”
learn the rules, through lessons or practice with friends.
You now have completely reversed what you previously said you “can’t” do. You went from “can’t” to “can”. All by changing the “can’t” to “I have not been because”. This one little phrase will change the way you look at yourself and what you have truly been able to do all along. Believe me, you are capable of so much more than your mind thinks you are. The accomplishments you can push your body and mind to, are astounding. Until you experience firsthand what you are truly capable of, you’ll always be under-selling yourself in almost every endeavor you undertake. For more on accountability and changing the way you think, say, and do things, so that your actions align with actually getting what you want rather than complaining about not having it read The Success Principles.
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