
Find a Way

Find a Way

Limitations exist because someone doesn’t believe in you, or worse you don’t believe in yourself.  When I was a senior in High school there was a local business man who understood this.  He understood the psychology and emotion behind achievement.  His name was Bar Brown and though our team was going to be outsized and out manned in nearly every game on our schedule, he knew we needed to believe in ourselves, and be resourceful, and that we were going to have to use every ounce of talent and drive and will to compete, much less win games.  He had made a shimmel shirt printed for everyone on the team that said “FIND A WAY” across the back.  Every player wore that shirt in every game.  It was the motto of our team, and it was a reminder, of how we were going to win.  If are opponent was bigger we had to be faster, if they were faster, we had to be smarter…  That was it, no excuses; you found a way to win.     
I remember Stretching before practice one day before our first game, and our coach walked up holding a news paper.  “Boys”, he said, “It says here that Trinity is ranked #5 in the State in the preseason rankings”… We all cheered, and shouted, and said things like, “hell yeah”…  Coach yelled, “I don’t think y’all understand.  You shouldn’t be happy that you’re ranked # 5, you should be pissed that some asshole sports writer thinks there are 4 teams better than you!”  We all screamed and yelled, and chanted and went into one of the best practices we ever had.  I think we won our first game a couple days later 42-0.  In fact we went on to win the State Championship, but it was in part do to the incredible coaching of a couple of men who taught a rag tag group of 18 boys to believe in themselves, and to “find a way”, to accomplish their goals and to win in life.       


The world can be a very mean and nasty place, and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there if you let it, and I don’t care how tuff you are, you’re never going to hit as hard as life…But it ain’t about how hard you hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward, how much you can take and keep moving forward!  That’s how winning is done. 
It’s your right to listen to you, and nobody has the right to say no, after you’ve earned the right to be what you want to be and do what you want to do!  Now if you know what you’re worth, go out and get what you’re worth… but you gotta be willing to take the hits.   

So I dare you

Dare to be great.

Dare to be powerful beyond measure.

1 comment:

  1. This pretty much made me day man, Surprisingly good and motivational, but wouldn't expect anything less. I expect one of these every few days man.

    Mitch Guerra
    Class of 2013'


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