

I love when someone tells me I can’t do something.  When they say I’m not good enough.  I love when others act as if they’re better than me, or that they’re out of my league.  I love it!  This is what motivates me more than anything.  I love to rebel, to defy those who defy me…Those who challenge and dare me. 
You see, those are people that motivate me, and make me want to be something better.  Because they don’t believe in me, but I sure as hell do.  And that’s all that matters. 
Be defiant.   Massive success is the greatest revenge. 

“I have not yet begun to fight” – John Paul Jones

“Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead” – David Farragut

You know what the men that said these things have in common?   They won. 

People are going to tell you your entire life to be practical, to color inside the lines, to do what you’re supposed to do.  This is people defying you.  This is people challenging you, this is people placing limitations on your life.  Let me tell you something about limitations, limitations suck!  If you remember nothing else I say the whole day, limitations suck. 

Limitations come in many forms, and they all suck!

Limitations hinder your your potential, your achievement, and your happiness in life.  Limitations, boundaries, are man made, are in essence, everything that is wrong with the world.  I don’t believe in measure.  I don’t believe mankind has reached its full potential.  It will always be growing, it will always keep growing, or it will die, just like your soul.  You will always be growing, or you will be dying.  Whenever you reach a boundary or limitation in life, ask yourself why, and the ask how to go beyond it.  

When someone places a limitation on you, they’re defying you and your ability, what you’re capable of.  They’re daring you, to accomplish something. 

Who here has done something because they were dared to? 

I have.  I’ve jumped out of planes… I’ve bungee jumped on dares… And it’s not that there wasn’t fear involved, because there was.  I mean, you are out of your mind if you’re not at least a little scared looking at the ground from 200 feet up with a rubber band tied around your ankles.  But I summoned some personal courage and I did it.  I conquered and now control that fear.  And because of this I’ve discovered new things that I enjoy.  I now love to sky-dive and bungee jump and do it all the time. 

I dared myself to quit smoking… And you know what, my breath doesn’t smell bad, my clothes don’t stink, and I’m not wasting money on something that is killing me… all good things.  

In fact, almost everything I have in my life, of any real value, I achieved because I defied something. 
I didn’t have a conventional upbringing, many of the people who are placed in your life that traditionally help and support you, caused me hardship and held me back.  But they challenged me; they dared me to do what they said I couldn’t.  I took that challenge, and met it head on.  It wasn’t easy.  But with time and dedication I got what I wanted.      

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