

By Dunbar Merrill, Creator of the TheDailyDunbar



Dehydration is one of the absolute worst things you can do to your body, yet one of the most common forms of abuse people put themselves through.  Not getting enough water inhibits every bodily function down to a cellular level.  Dehydration contributes to fatigue and loss of mental acuity.  So drink a minimum of 64oz or 8 cups a day.


Make sure you eat a minimum of 1,000 calories a day.  Food is our body’s fuel and to deprive it is the same as not filling up your car and expecting it to operate well.  Just like your car’s engine, the better and purer the fuel you put in the better it will perform. 


Have you heard the expression: “faked enthusiasm is better than honest depression?”  Well, it’s super true.  So smile, and if possible smile at yourself, whether it’s into a mirror, or your reflection in a pond, find a way to let yourself know that you’re happy.  Recent studies found smiling at yourself in a mirror for 20 minutes more effective than any anti-depressant on the market. 


Exercising enhances the body and the mind, and helps to keep you around longer to do these ten things more days.  Exercise relieves stress and improves blood pressure.  Even a short work out uplifts your mood and self esteem.  When choosing a time to exercise the earlier the better.  Committing to exercise first thing every morning better ensures that you’ll actually do it, as distractions, task, and errands usually tend to build up throughout the day and conveniently prevent you getting to the gym.  Another benefit to sweating in the morning is that it raises your metabolic rate for the rest of the day, helping you to burn off calories more efficiently all day long.     


Experiencing nature in even the smallest way transforms your mood in ways that are nearly impossible to quantify.  It doesn’t matter if it’s a bright sunny day in June, or two feet of snow in January, go outside. 


Being passionate about something and doing something your passionate about is one of the greatest joys you can experience.  Do something you love everyday.  Whether you love your job or not… you should always be striving to make what you love doing your job.  But if you’re not quite there yet, do something you love on the side.  This more than anything else in the world keeps you not just motivated, but more importantly sane.    


Whether its reading inspirational literature, watching an inspirational video, or listening to inspirational audio recordings… do something that inspires you everyday.  Being inspired uplifts and motivates you to do whatever you were put on this earth to do, and the more inspired you are the better you’re going to do it. 


Everyday do your best to thank somebody and show gratitude to someone.  This can be a friend, family member, a lover, an employee, or an employer.  University studies have shown that the number one individual factor that contributes to employees feeling miserable or unmotivated is appreciation.  Even over compensation, people have a psychological need for appreciation and recognition.  If they don’t receive this, they feel insulted, and it fosters resentment and lowers morale.  So no matter what you do, just make your life a lot simpler and say: “Hey, thank you.” It’s that easy… and it’ll even make you feel a little better too.        


Laughter truly is the best medicine.  Besides the fact that we’re obviously enjoying something to be doing it in the first place, the act of laughing has numerous health benefits on it’s own.  Laughter reduces pain.  Laughing reduces blood sugar levels, and is especially valuable to diabetics.  Humor solidifies relationships and many people say “making them laugh” ranks high on the list of what they find attractive in the opposite sex. Laughter boosts the immune system, releases endorphins, and strengthens the heart.  When you laugh you cause your blood vessels to expand and relax, increasing blood flow and oxygen to every part of your body.  In short, reading, watching, and listening to what makes you laugh is one of the best things you can do for your body. 


Live your life.  Do what you want to do.  Do what makes you happy.  Because at the end of the day if you’re not happy, what's the point?  Live your life… do not just merely survive.  Take chances, take risk, don’t be afraid of failure, never doubt yourself, and do not hesitate.  This is not a dress rehearsal.  Stop acting as if you’re going to get to do this all again.  This is it, soak it up.  Ignore what other people think and say about you, or what they have.  Believe only what you know to be true.  Cherish the memories that bring you joy and do your best to forget ones that don’t.  The only thing that matters is what you do, and your effect on your life and this world.  Experience and enjoy as much as you can, and good luck.