
Little Ways To Save You Big.

Take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves.

So I said I intend to write a blog on health, wealth, and doing what you love…

That said it’s high time I started to give you folks some savings advice on here.  I’ll try to mix writing about money, nutrition & exercise, and self improvement equally going forward. 

Being Frugal doesn’t mean being Cheap.  It means being smart with your money, its getting the most out of it.  Do you know how Warren Buffett became the richest man in the world?  He was frugal… well that, and compounding interest.  So to help y’all out, I’m going to start posting simple ways to save you big. 

Today’s Simple Way To Save You Big:

Don’t buy coffee at coffee shops (i.e. Starbucks, Caribou, Central Perk).  Coffee shops are for Real Estate Agents who can’t afford office space, and wanna be writers… not you.  Besides Starbucks is pretty much an evil empire now days anyway, who wants to support that?  Drink coffee at home or at the office.  The savings from this alone could net you $650+/ year.  That’s not even including the money you’ll save on gas not driving to a coffee shop, because I don’t know if you’ve noticed, that shit isn’t cheap. 

Thanks for reading this awesome way to save some cash.  For more simple ways to save you lots and lots of money check out:  1,001 Ways to Save, Grow, and Invest Your Money.

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